Why professionals are still using the Paslode IM350

Even with innovation, sometimes there is a product or technique that is seen as timeless and still holds weight in today’s modern world.  

One such example is the IM350, as despite the much newer IM360 sweeping the market and proving popular, there still seems to be a place for the older model.  

In this article, we will explore why that is and how, in today’s construction outlook, the IM350 is still seen as a safe pair of hands.  

It’s highly durable 

Nailers will always hit a point where they don’t function as well as they should and that’s mainly because of the sheer force and velocity they go through when firing.  

However, the IM350 seems to be strangely exempt from the norm, with some professionals still using ones from 20 years or so ago and they’re just as effective now as they were then. 

Recently, one professional told Multifix that they accidentally broke one of the batteries for it, but it was the same battery that had been there from the very start.  

That level of reliability goes so far and even despite newer models being available, the IM350 still finds a way of outlasting them.  

It’s great for apprentices 

For apprentices starting out at a firm, getting all the tools you need can be an expensive outlay. Normally what happens is the firm will get a tool for you and take a certain amount out of your pay each week, so you get the tool and can pay it back on fair terms. 

However, not everyone does that and as such, some apprentices have taken to getting some IM350s second hand to get the job done.  

Not only does this give them grounding with excellent equipment, but it also gives them a tool that’s still revered and used now, which can only stand them in good stead. 

One professional told us that some of the apprentices even prefer the IM350 to any other alternative, so it very much still holds weight now.  

It’s very versatile 

The IM360, as good as it is, can only utilise one type of nail, which is specifically built just for that particular gun.  

Meanwhile, the IM350 is much more versatile and while it is advised to only use Paslode IM350 nails with it, other companies provide nails that can be used with the IM350.  

As such, if you’re ever in a spot, you’re much more likely to find a box of nails that are compatible with the IM350, meaning you can carry on with your project as planned.  

Standing the test of time  

It’s a huge testament to the R&D team at Paslode that they managed to create a product that even 20 years after its launch, is still seen as a go-to item by professionals across the country.  

There will always be a newer, shinier, flashier item, but when it comes down to performance, durability and compatibility as a full package, the IM350 will take some beating.  

To see what Paslode products we offer, from guns to nails and beyond, click this link here.