Tackling carbon with Ecologi in 2024

When it comes to gunning for net zero, the UK construction industry is very much doing its bit and constantly striving to hit its targets.  

At Multifix, we have always had an eye on being better from an environmental perspective, but in light of the 2023 Multifix sustainability report, which you can read here, we have accepted that we could do more.  

As such, we have decided to join forces with environmental organisation Ecologi to offset some of our carbon footprint, which is a very exciting development for us. 

This has allowed us to get involved with several fantastic projects, which not only allows us to give back, but also steps up our efforts to be more sustainable. 

In this article, we will go through three of the projects that we are contributing towards with Ecologi, all of which helps make us more climate-positive.  

Solar PV electricity generation in Indonesia  

When it comes to a global share of using fossil fuels, Indonesia ranks fourth in the world, making up a staggering 6% of the world’s total use. 

As such, a project located in Pringgabaya, which is an island of Lombok in Indonesia, is tapping into the clear potential of using renewable energy in the country.  

The aim is to start displacing fossil fuels and replacing them with cleaner energy sources, such as solar power, to reduce carbon emissions.  

There is a total installed capacity of 42 MW in place at present, which is spread across four different solar installations.  

Not only has the project brought about 69 local jobs, but it has also brought with it 18 community development activities.  

If all goes to plan and by providing electricity to go to the grid, this project alone could offset 34,000 tonnes of carbon each year.  

Fuel-efficient cookstoves in Uganda

It is estimated that a third of the world is still cooking using dangerous cooking methods, whether this be by burning charcoal, firewood or animal waste, all of which boost greenhouse gas emissions. 

UpEnergy is a company based in Uganda that works in communities and areas that don’t have a lot of income flowing through them and tries to fight climate change.  

One of the methods in which they do this is by their initiative Community Carbon and one of their projects is to provide families with a fuel-efficient charcoal cookstove, instead of what already exists.  

These stoves can reduce daily household charcoal usage by between 45% and 55%, as a result of their improved thermal efficiency.  

They can last at least five years and are also created locally, which is good for the local economy as it creates employment opportunities.  

The stoves are also better for families as they are faster than the existing cooking equipment, meaning they have more free time every day. Multifix is delighted to be able to help. 

Repairing water boreholes in Eritrea 

Eritrea is a small country in Africa and whereas one in nine people around the globe don’t have access to clean water close to home, in Eritrea, it is basically one in five (19%). 

As such, residents have to either try their luck with rivers or open wells, both of which are unsafe, or have to travel miles to find clean water.  

As such, the Zoba Debub Community Boreholes project was founded for Eritrea and the aim is to give thousands of people a sustainable way of having clean water. 

For those unaware, boreholes are holes that allow access to safe clean water from underground. They can be as deep as 100m, with drilling pipes being installed. Then a hand pump is fitted and that’s all there is to it.  

However, most of the boreholes in Eritrea have been neglected, which means residents have been using wood fuel on stone fires to try and purify their water. 

Not only is this risky, but it also releases greenhouse gas emissions from the wood. As such, the project will help people have a better way of life, while also helping the environment.  

Wanting to make a difference  

We wanted to step up our carbon offsetting, hence why we’ve partnered with Ecologi, but we also wanted to make a difference.  

We believe that by working with Ecologi on these projects, we can go a long way towards doing that, while giving something back to the planet.  

At Multifix, we are excited to see how the projects fare and find out just how much difference we can make over 12 months.  

If you would like to do something with Ecologi and would like some further information, we are happy to help. You can get in contact with us by following this link.