By: Christian Brown on 10th November 2023

Customer portal onboarding guides

Whether you’re intrigued by the portal or are having issues with it, we’re here to help. We have compiled three guides for different end users, all of which are designed to help you fully understand the portal. 

The first one is for superusers and office managers. This is for those who have the most access to the portal’s features, especially in the case of superusers, who have full access to everything. 

The second is for site managers. This is for those who have the second highest (or third, if you count office managers) level of access on the portal. 

Finally, the third is for site operatives. This is for those who are in the thick of the action and with time of the essence, need to get things sorted without hassle. 

Should you have any further questions about the portal though, please feel free to get in touch with us. You can book a meeting with us here