How the cold impacts your Paslode nailer
When the days start getting shorter and the cold weather starts to hit, those working in carpentry will know that their Paslode guns could start to play up. But why is this? What is it about the cold weather that causes Paslode nailers to occasionally malfunction and cause inconvenience? In this article, we will explore why this happens and look at some of the things you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen to you. If the Paslode nailer is cold, it won’t work – is that right? No, this is incorrect. For a Paslode nailer not to work to its full capacity in the cold, three things need to happen. The first is that the nailer itself needs to be cold, that much is true. However, unless the gas fuel cell is also cold, it will still work normally. In addition, the outside air also needs to be cold for it to be an issue. And by cold, we mean under five degrees. You could have a cold nailer and a cold gas fuel cell in the middle of summer for whatever reason, but because of the warm air, it would still work fine. It is the same the other way around, too. If a gas fuel cell is cold, but is inserted into a Paslode nailer at a normal temperature, it will still work fine. The only way it will malfunction is if the nailer is cold, the outside air is cold and the gas fuel cell is also cold. This can cause misfiring, slow firing and other problems, so it can be very inconvenient. What can I do to prevent my Paslode nailer from having issues in the cold? If you are using it outside, the nature of the air is obviously something you cannot control. However, you can control the other two elements, which will make it work in cold conditions – especially for the gas fuel cell. Carpenters will keep the gas fuel cells in their pockets to try and keep them warm, or rub the gas fuel cell with their hands to try and warm it up. As for the nailer itself, storing it correctly after use can help, but this isn’t always practical. As such, the main focus on getting it to work properly in the cold weather should be on the gas fuel cell. Defeating the elements Working in the winter is challenging enough as is, as working in the freezing cold comes with its own issues. However, by taking some time out to make sure your Paslode nailer will work effectively, you’ll make life a lot easier for yourself when working. With Paslode being one of the biggest brands in the carpentry sector, we have made it our mission to be as knowledgeable about their range as possible. If you have any Paslode questions and would like to speak to a team member about the brand or what they offer, you can do so by clicking this link.